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A Field Trip to the Dunn Property
Jeff Packard

Stop 2 Poster 3

The Rediker quarry on Blackadar property had a very tragic ending. In order to get blocks of granite from the quarry face down to the loading area at the shore where the barges waited, the company installed a tramway. The blocks were loaded by derrick onto small flat cars and then winched down the tramway by means of a cable. In mid-June of 1889 James Rediker, then 33 years of age, was walking down the tramway ahead of the flat car when the cable snapped and James was run over and both legs were severed. He bled out and died at the quarry. We believe the quarry closed down thereafter and never re-opened.

The images from circa 1900 were taken by Douglas Weir (eldest son of Judge Weir) sometime after the quarry was abandoned. Rounded glacial boulders found on the beach opposite Gull Rock are of dark grey-green volcanic rock (not granite, ironically), originating from Owls Head (centre image and below).